Page 14 - TVET 4.0 Framework 2018 - 2025
P. 14


             Industry 4.0 is fundamentally reshaping the jobs landscape and will

             foster significant changes in how industrial worker perform their jobs.
             New jobs with entirely very different skill requirements will be created,
             while others, especially manual tasks, will become obsolete.
             The shifting employment landscape has significant implications for
             industry, education systems, and the government.

             A qualified and skilled workforce is indispensable for the introduction and adoption of
             Industry 4.0. The technical knowledge required is high, and will be primarily recruited from
             the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects. However, for some years
             the number of STEM graduates has fallen below expectations.

             There is an urgent need to create a skilled high income and diverse

             workforce both via up-skilling programmes for the existing labour
             pool and by attracting and developing future talent in the

             manufacturing sector. Particular attention also needs to be given to re-skilling and re-
             deploying lesser skilled workers to other sectors and activities.                                                “

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