Page 22 - TVET 4.0 Framework 2018 - 2025
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Mismatch between industry’s demands
and TVET graduates supplies
Mismatch exists when the available skills do not meet the job
market requirements. Mismatch is divided into: 2020
Skills and
Qualification Level Knowledge
The industry does not only requires knowledgeable and skilled 64%
TVET graduates supplied are
workers in specific subjects, but they expect the graduates high-skilled spectrum
produced to have a complete package that includes: (MASCO 2-3) TVET graduates supplied
are high-skilled spectrum
(MASCO 2-3)
Skills Knowledge Good social skills
and attitude
The graduates' unemployment rate is also due to the mismatch
between the specific skills required in the labour market with the 78%
quality of education and training provided by the TVET institutions. 78%
Total jobs created will be in the
In 2016, the PwC Study Report forecasted that there will be a semi-skilled spectrum Total jobs created will be
(MASCO 4-8)
mismatch of industrial demand and labour supply in 2020. Hence, in the semi-skilled
spectrum (MASCO 4-8)
the reviews for the demand and supply need to be carried out
periodically in order to ensure that the programmes offered and
the employability rates remain relevant and high respectively. Source:
Study on the Demand and Supply of Human
Capital Requirements on TVET, PwC 2016 Source:
Study on the Demand and Supply of Human
14 | Capital Requirements on TVET, PwC 2016